Thanksgiving thoughts

In the USA, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November

thats in just 2 days and I thought it might be nice to plan a little celebration.

I think Thanskgiving is always worth celebrating wherever you may be.


The first Thanksgiving in the USA was a feast in 1621 shared by the Pilgrims who

had recently settled in the US and the Wampanoag Indians, who shared their corn,

squash, and wild turkeys. They gave thanks for their harvest and the freindship with

 the Amreican Indians that had bought them through that first, harsh winter.


It’s a lovely festival to tell children about as it fosters an ‘attitude of gratitude’ which is

vital to positive emotional well being and helps our children appreciate what they have

rather than wanting more. 


Always a good budgeting tactic!


Having a special family meal on this day, where you tell the thanksgiving story and say

thank you to each other for all you bring to the family and for all the food on the table is

lovely thing to do. Why not plan a special family tea for thursday and invite some peole

over who you love? It doesn’t have to be a big spread just a meal shared is good enough.


Another option for thanksgiving fun is to make a thanksgiving wreath.  Just draw round

your child’s hand and layer different colour papers behind the hand drawn paper. Cut it

out. You will now have lots of different coloured hand,prints Now have your child decide

what they want to say thank you for in their life. It could be their pet, their home,

Granddad, their lego, etc. Write one of these on each hand. Stick them all arounfd the

outdside of paper plate and add a photo of your child to the middle.


Tape some ribbon or string in a loop on the back so the thanksgiving wreath can be

hung. This should be fun to make, cheap and a good ‘count your blessings’ experience.


My thank yous.

Two of my oldest, dearest freinds came over yesterday and spent 4 hours cleaning out all my kitchen cupboards which were a DISGRACE. Thank you ladies I am so grateful for your friendship, it means a lot to me x

I want to thank Naomi too for the constancy of her friendship and her loyalty and love that never lets me down.

And I am so thankful of course for my childrren,  who are lifes blessings to me….

What are you thankful for?




  1. Naomi
    November 23, 2010 / 8:05 am

    You are very welcome. I am always here for the people that trust, respect and value me as their friend and I will always be here for you despite the distance. I am thankful for the ability to do a great job with chidlren and be able to help lots with their problems, am thankful for a supportive husband, my friends and my fab children who are well mannered and great to be around.

  2. helloitsgemma
    November 23, 2010 / 9:32 am

    good health and some good sleep in the last few days – at last I have energy.

  3. Christianne James
    November 23, 2010 / 12:13 pm

    It has to be my two children, who not only are able to make me pull my hair out one day, I would do anything for the next day. It’s days like these that I think make you realise there is a bigger picture and plenty of more important things than the hassle of the day to day.

  4. Jenny paulin
    November 23, 2010 / 11:28 pm

    What a lovely post!
    I am thankful to have a healthy little boy who I adore and good health myself and to have clean water, food and a roof over our heads for me and my family.

  5. November 25, 2010 / 1:51 pm

    It’s preemie awareness month, and I’ve been really involved in that through my blog and twitter.

    I’m thankful that I have a healthy and happy 18 month old. He was 1lb 7oz at birth (born at 27 weeks) and the past 3 weeks have shown me very clearly how different things could have been.

    Thankful doesn’t come close.

    And my husband what helped make him!!!!

  6. Becky
    November 25, 2010 / 7:41 pm

    Soo pleased for you x

  7. Sabra
    November 26, 2010 / 12:51 pm

    Hiya!!! Happy Thanksgiving!. !! 🙂
    Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, and every year I like to get into the mood-extend the holiday, since it were-by reading “Thanksgiving novels.” And in addition, all these stories are mostly about families, about coming together to heal old hurts and giving thanks for the gift of love. .. – —
    Are You Much better Off These days Than You Were 5 Yrs Ago?

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