Why I am starting to love to cook

Today – Why I am starting to love to cook

My granny was a cookery teacher and apparently she was amazing. She could make cakes with tiny little details on it he really bought them to life, flowers, fruits all sorts things. She was also trained as a Corden Bleu chef. Now I never knew what this meant but it was always said with a huge amount of respect and I was always terribly impressed.

I never knew Granny in her cooking heyday. By the time I was born she had several strokes and could no longer cook. Its a shame, I like to think she would have inspired me and taught me all her skills.

Why I am starting to love to cook


Why I am starting to love to cook

My mum had had to step into Granny’s shos and had been cooking for the family long before she became a mum. As a cosequence  we grew up on span and chips and angel delight. Mum didn’t bake and only enjoyed cooking Christmas dinner. She was practically perfect in every single other way though!!

So home cookery lessons didn’t happen ( I got to shake the Yorkshire pud mix every now and again.)

School cooking was a disaster. The cookery teacher and I did not see eye to eye.  She despised the fact I was a young vegetarian who refused to cook meat or fish. She said I had to. So I said ‘lets go together and see the head about that shall we…’ so she hated me and had to give in. She used to tell the others to gather around and ‘look what Becky has done wrong.’

How rubbish.

By the time I went off to University I knew nothing and had no confidence in cooking. I barely cooked, ate badly and put on weight. It’s not been much better since until recently.

Tante Marie cookery schools would have been a great idea for me, They teach short courses in essential skills and beginners cookery in just a few intense weeks. (They also do those mystical Corden Bleu courses!)  Just think the start these could have given me!

It has only really been this past year, through my daughter loving to bake, through blogger foodie challenges, to trying to eat more healthily have fallen in love a little with cooking.  I’ve found the internet is packed with easy recipes and it’s nice when no one is hanging critically over my shoulder. I am starting to feel pride and joy in creating a great meal or a yummy cake.

Granny would be proud.

Give your kids a good start!


I hope you enjoyed my post on Why I am starting to love to cook


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